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I am a postdoc in the Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification Group at the University College London, hosted by Alexandra Silva.

I will be joining the University of Wisconsin--Madison in Fall 2018 as an assistant professor. Looking for good students!

Previously, I was a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Pennsylvania, associated with the Theory Group, the PL Club, and the Privacy Group. I was very fortunate to be co-advised by Benjamin Pierce and Aaron Roth.

Research Interests

My research spans two classical areas of computer science: algorithms from theoretical computer science (commonly known as TCS) and formal verification. My work has mostly centered on differential privacy, a rigorous definition of privacy that is currently under extensive study.

From the verification side, I investigate formal methods---such as type systems and program logics---to verify that programs are differentially private. More generally, I consider formal verification for properties of randomized algorithms, including incentive compatibility, Markov chain mixing, and various notions of algorithmic stability. From the algorithms side, I apply differential privacy to optimization, machine learning, and mechanism design.


  • LICS 2018 PC
  • WWW 2018 PC
  • FCS 2017 PC
  • TPDP 2017 PC
  • MFPS 2017 PC
  • PLDI 2016 ERC