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  • 09/2015 Our paper Relational reasoning via probabilistic coupling has been accepted to LPAR 2015!
  • 08/2015 Our preprint Online Assignment with Heterogeneous Tasks in Crowdsourcing Markets is now available on arXiv.
  • 08/2015 I will be visiting the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot until early December.
  • 07/2015 Our preprint Relational reasoning via probabilistic coupling is now available.
  • 07/2015 Our preprint Formal Verification of Randomized Algorithms is now available.
  • 06/2015 Our paper Online Assignment with Heterogeneous Tasks in Crowdsourcing Markets has been accepted to HCOMP 2015!
  • 06/2015 I have been awarded the Simons Graduate Fellowship in Theoretical Computer Science.