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+ **02/2018** Our preprint **Almost Sure Productivity** is now available.
+ **02/2018** I will be serving on the program committe of [**LICS
2018**](http://lics.siglog.org/lics18/) in Oxford, England.
+ **01/2018** Slides now available for **Proving Expected Sensitivity of
Probabilistic Programs**.
+ **12/2017** **A Program Logic for Probabilistic Programs** will appear at
**ESOP 2018**!
+ **11/2017** My dissertation **Probabilistic Couplings for Probabilistic
Reasoning** is now available.
+ **10/2017** Our preprints **Reasoning about Divergences for Relaxations of
Differential Privacy** and **A Program Logic for Probabilistic Programs** are
now available.
+ **09/2017** **Synthesizing Coupling proofs of Differential Privacy** and
**Proving Expected Sensitivity of Probabilistic Programs** will appear at
**POPL 2018**!
+ **09/2017** Our preprint **Synthesizing Coupling proofs of Differential
Privacy** is now available.
+ **07/2017** Slides now available for **\*-Liftings for Differential Privacy**.
+ **07/2017** Our preprint **Proving Expected Sensitivity of Probabilistic
Programs** is now available.