
716 B

Final Projects

  • Yue Gao and Fayi Zhang. Theory and Optimization of Homomorphic Encryption.
  • Yinglun Zhu. Answering Evolving Sets of Queries.
  • Yan Nan and Shimaa Ahmed. Private Voice Transcription.
  • Samuel Drews. Verifying Decision Tree Stability.
  • Madeleine Berner and Yaman Yu. Evaluate Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks on Chinese Character Recognition.
  • Kyrie Zhou and Meghana Moorthy Bhat. Detecting Fake News with NLP.
  • Hiba Nassereddine and Junxiong Huang. Adversarial Machine Learning and Autonomous Vehicles.
  • Zichuan Tian and Arjun Kashyap. pyDiff: Differential Privacy as a Library.
  • Zhiyi Chen and Yiqin Pan. Detect Compromised Items from Data with Adversarial Attacks.