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Security and Privacy in Data Science (CS 763) Course Welcome September 02, 2020

Welcome to Virtual CS 763!

Norms for virtual class

  • Mute yourself when you are not talking
  • Recommended (not required): turn on your video
  • Use the chat for questions/side discussions

If you wouldn't do it in a real classroom, you probably shouldn't do it virtually.

Guidelines for discussion

  • Basically: be nice to one another
  • WAIT: Why Am I Talking?
  • One mic: one person speaks at a time

Remote students

  • Strongly recommended to attend live lectures
  • If you can't (e.g., lecture in the middle of the night):
    • All lectures will be recorded on BBCU: watch them
    • Do two paper reviews per week instead of presentation+summary

Let me know ASAP if you are remote so I can set you up with paper reviews

Security and Privacy

It's everywhere!

Stuff is totally insecure!

What topics to cover?

A really, really vast field

  • Things we will not be able to cover:
    • Real-world attacks
    • Computer systems security
    • Defenses and countermeasures
    • Social aspects of security
    • Theoretical cryptography
    • ...

Theme 1: Formalizing S&P

  • Mathematically formalize notions of security
  • Rigorously prove security
  • Guarantee that certain breakages can't occur

Remember: definitions are tricky things!

Theme 2: Automating S&P

  • Use computers to help build more secure systems
  • Automatically check security properties
  • Search for attacks and vulnerabilities

Five modules

  1. Differential privacy
  2. Adversarial machine learning
  3. Cryptography in machine learning
  4. Algorithmic fairness
  5. PL and verification

This course is broad!

  • Each module could be its own course
    • We won't be able to go super deep
    • You will probably get lost
  • Our goal: broad survey of multiple areas
    • Lightning tour, focus on high points

Hope: find a few things that interest you

This course is technical!

  • Approach each topic from a rigorous point of view
  • Parts of "data science" with provable guarantees
  • This is not a "theory course", but...

. . .

Differential privacy

A mathematical definition of privacy

  • Simple and clean formal property
  • Satisfied by many algorithms
  • Degrades gracefully under composition

Adversarial machine learning

Manipulating ML systems

  • Crafting examples to fool ML systems
  • Messing with training data
  • Extracting training information

Cryptography in machine learning

Crypto in data science

  • Learning models without raw access to private data
  • Collecting analytics data privately, at scale
  • Side channels and implementation issues
  • Verifiable execution of ML models
  • Other topics (e.g., model watermarking)

Algorithmic fairness

When is a program "fair"?

  • Individual and group fairness
  • Inherent tradeoffs and challenges
  • Fairness in unsupervised learning
  • Fairness and causal inference

PL and verification

Proving correctness

  • Programming languages for security and privacy
  • Interpreting neural networks and ML models
  • Verifying properties of neural networks
  • Verifying probabilistic programs

Tedious course details

Lecture schedule

  • First ten weeks: lectures MWF
    • Intensive lectures, get you up to speed
    • I will present once a week
    • You will present twice a week
  • Last five weeks: no lectures
    • Intensive work on projects
    • I will be available to meet, one-on-one

You should attend/watch all lectures

Class format

  • Three components:
    1. Paper presentations
    2. Presentation summaries
    3. Final project
  • Announcement/schedule/materials on website
  • Discussions/forming groups on Piazza

Paper presentations

  • In pairs, lead a discussion on group of papers
  • One week before presentation: meet with me
    • Come prepared with draft slides and outline
    • Run through your outline, I will give feedback

Presentation summaries

  • In pairs, prepare written summary of another group
  • One week after presentation: send me summary
    • I will work with you to polish report
    • Writeups will be shared with the class

Final project

  • In groups of 2-3
  • See website for project details
  • Key dates:
    • October 12: Milestone 1
    • November 6: Milestone 2
    • End of class: Final writeups and presentations

Todos for you

  1. Complete the course survey
  2. Explore the course website
  3. Think about which lecture you want to present
  4. Think about which lecture you want to summarize
  5. Form project groups and brainstorm topics

Sign up for slots and projects here

We will move quickly

  • First deadline: next Wednesday, September 9
    • Form paper and project groups
    • Signup sheet here
  • First slot is soon: Monday, September 14
    • I will help the first group prepare

Defining privacy

What does privacy mean?

  • Many kinds of "privacy breaches"
    • Obvious: third party learns your private data
    • Retention: you give data, company keeps it forever
    • Passive: you don't know your data is collected

Why is privacy hard?

  • Hard to pin down what privacy means!
  • Once data is out, can't put it back into the bottle
  • Privacy-preserving data release today may violate privacy tomorrow, combined with "side-information"
  • Data may be used many times, often doesn't change

Hiding private data

  • Delete "personally identifiable information"
    • Name and age
    • Birthday
    • Social security number
    • ...
  • Publish the "anonymized" or "sanitized" data

Problem: not enough

  • Can match up anonymized data with public sources
  • De-anonymize data, associate names to records
  • Really, really hard to think about side information
    • May not even be public at time of data release!

Netflix prize

  • Database of movie ratings
  • Published: ID number, movie rating, and rating date
  • Competition: predict which movies IDs will like
  • Result
    • Tons of teams competed
    • Winner: beat Netflix's best by 10%

A triumph for machine learning contests!

Privacy flaw?

  • Attack
    • Public info on IMDB: names, ratings, dates
    • Reconstruct names for Netflix IDs
  • Result
    • Netflix settled lawsuit ($10 million)
    • Netflix canceled future challenges

"Blending in a crowd"

  • Only release records that are similar to others
  • k-anonymity: require at least k identical records
  • Other variants: l-diversity, t-closeness, ...

Problem: composition

  • Repeating k-anonymous releases may lose privacy
  • Privacy protection may fall off a cliff
    • First few queries fine, then suddenly total violation
  • Again, interacts poorly with side-information

Differential privacy

Yet another privacy definition

A new approach to formulating privacy goals: the risk to ones privacy, or in general, any type of risk... should not substantially increase as a result of participating in a statistical database. This is captured by differential privacy.

  • Proposed by Dwork, McSherry, Nissim, Smith (2006)

Basic setting

  • Private data: set of records from individuals
    • Each individual: one record
    • Example: set of medical records
  • Private query: function from database to output
    • Randomized: adds noise to protect privacy

Basic definition

A query Q is (\varepsilon, \delta)-differentially private if for every two databases db, db' that differ in one individual's record, and for every subset S of outputs, we have:

\Pr[ Q(db) \in S ] \leq e^\varepsilon \cdot \Pr[ Q(db') \in S ] + \delta

Basic reading

Output of program doesn't depend too much on any single person's data

  • Property of the algorithm/query/program
    • No: "this data is differentially private"
    • Yes: "this query is differentially private"