Justin Hsu 40c694892d FSCD
2024-05-01 21:34:38 -04:00

1034 lines
48 KiB

%% To do:
%% insert first names wherever possible
%% regularize POPL spellings
%% get rid of ACM Press when it appears with POPL
%% - find volume numbers of LNCS, etc.
%% - fix up "to appear"
%% - find journal versions of conference papers
%% - find published versions of TRs
%% - find spellings of first names
%% - nuke crossreferences
%% %%
%% My Bibliography (from bcp.bib) %%
%% %%
% Conventions:
% * Common conferences (POPL, ICFP, etc.) are defined in strings, for
% uniformity. These strings include...
% *not* "proceedings of the" or whatever (waste of ink, since
% 'symposium' or whatever is included)
% the sponsoring organization (which means that it's not
% necessary to list "ACM Press" as the publisher)
% "international symposium" or whatever
% *not* "twentieth" or whatever
% the conference name spelled out in full
% its common acronym, if any
% the location of that year's meeting, if I know it
% Some special fields:
% checked Set to "yes" or a date if the citation has been
% checked against a physical copy of the document
% fullauthor Present in some cases where the author's name appears in
% abbreviated form on the actual document, but where
% I happened to know their full name. The portion of
% the name that does not appear on the document is
% placed in square brackets, following standard
% practice in some publishing houses.
% fulleditor Similar.
%%% String Definitions %%%
% Publishing houses
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@STRING{ap = "Academic Press" }
@STRING{springer = {Springer-Verlag} }
@STRING{elsevier = "Elsevier" }
@STRING{epic = "EPiC Series in Computing" }
@STRING{entcs = "Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science" }
@STRING{eptcs = "Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science" }
@STRING{lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" }
@STRING{pacm = "Proceedings of the {ACM}" }
@STRING{pacmpl = "Proceedings of the {ACM} on Programming Languages" }
@STRING{pomacs = "Proceedings of the {ACM} on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems" }
@STRING{lipics = "Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics" }
@STRING{lnm = "Lecture Notes in Mathematics" }
@STRING{gtm = "Graduate Texts in Mathematics" }
@STRING{lfcs = "Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science,
University of Edinburgh" }
@STRING{jmlr = "Journal of Machine Learning Research"}
@STRING{pmlr = "Proceedings of Machine Learning Research"}
@STRING{mp = "MIT Press" }
@STRING{mitpress = mp }
@STRING{now = "now publishers" }
@STRING{dagstuhl = "Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz Center for Informatics" }
@STRING{informs = "INFORMS" }
% Journals and magazines
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@STRING{toplas = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems" }
@STRING{jlp = {Journal of Logic Programming} }
@STRING{ieee = "IEEE" }
@STRING{acmpress = "ACM Press" }
@STRING{bepress = "Berkeley Electronic Press" }
@STRING{cacm = "Communications of the {ACM}" }
@STRING{jacm = "Journal of the {ACM}" }
@STRING{tcs = "Theoretical Computer Science" }
@STRING{jsl = "Journal of Symbolic Logic" }
@STRING{bsl = "Bulletin of Symbolic Logic" }
@STRING{jcss = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences"}
@STRING{siamjc = "SIAM Journal on Computing" }
@STRING{mscs = "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science" }
@STRING{proc = "Proceedings of the" }
@STRING{ic = "Information and Computation" }
@STRING{iandcomp = {Information and Computation} }
@STRING{jfp = "Journal of Functional Programming" }
@STRING{cup = "Cambridge University Press" }
@STRING{mcgh = "McGraw-Hill" }
@STRING{nh = "North Holland" }
@STRING{sv = "Springer-Verlag" }
@STRING{aw = "Addison-Wesley" }
@STRING{ph = "Prentice Hall" }
@STRING{tose = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering" }
%@STRING{taoop = "C[arl] A. Gunter and J[ohn] C. Mitchell, editors, {\em
% Theoretical Aspects of Object-Oriented Programming:
% Types, Semantics, and Language Design}, MIT Press, 1994" }
@STRING{taoop = "C. A. Gunter and J. C. Mitchell, editors, {\em
Theoretical Aspects of Object-Oriented Programming:
Types, Semantics, and Language Design}, MIT Press, 1994" }
@STRING{tissec = "ACM Transactions on Information and System Security"}
@STRING{sigecom = "ACM {SIG}ecom {E}xchanges"}
@STRING{jet = "Journal of Economic Theory"}
@STRING{geb = "Games and Economic Behavior"}
@STRING{jufks = "{I}nternational {J}ournal of {U}ncertainty, {F}uzziness and
{K}nowledge-{B}ased {S}ystems"}
@STRING{toc = "Theory of Computing"}
@STRING{jmlrproc = "JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings"}
@STRING{jpc = "Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality"}
@STRING{mor = "Mathematics of Operations Research"}
@STRING{lmcs = "Logical Methods in Computer Science" }
% Misc
% %%%%
@STRING{yes = "Yes" }
@STRING{no = "No" }
% Conferences %
@STRING{pods = "{ACM} {SIGACT--SIGMOD--SIGART} {S}ymposium on
{P}rinciples of {D}atabase {S}ystems (PODS)"}
@STRING{pods03 = pods # ", San Diego, California"}
@STRING{pods05 = pods # ", Baltimore, Maryland"}
@STRING{pods06 = pods # ", Chicago, Illinois" }
@STRING{pods07 = pods # ", Beijing, China" }
@STRING{pods10 = pods # ", Indianapolis, Indiana" }
@STRING{popl = "{ACM} {SIGPLAN--SIGACT} {S}ymposium on {P}rinciples of
{P}rogramming {L}anguages ({POPL})" }
@STRING{poplpre92 = "{ACM} {S}ymposium on {P}rinciples of {P}rogramming
{L}anguages ({POPL})" }
@STRING{popl73 = poplpre92 # ", Boston, Massachusetts" }
@STRING{popl75 = poplpre92 # ", Palo Alto, California" }
@STRING{popl76 = poplpre92 # ", {A}tlanta, {G}eorgia" }
@STRING{popl77 = poplpre92 # ", Los Angeles, California" }
@STRING{popl78 = poplpre92 # ", Tucson, Arizona" }
@STRING{popl79 = poplpre92 # ", San Antonio, Texas" }
@STRING{popl80 = poplpre92 # ", Las Vegas, Nevada" }
@STRING{popl81 = poplpre92 # ", Williamsburg, Virginia" }
@STRING{popl82 = poplpre92 # ", Albuquerque, New Mexico" }
@STRING{popl83 = poplpre92 # ", Austin, Texas" }
@STRING{popl84 = poplpre92 # ", Salt Lake City, Utah" }
@STRING{popl85 = poplpre92 # ", New Orleans, Louisiana" }
@STRING{popl86 = poplpre92 # ", St.\ Petersburg Beach, Florida" }
@STRING{popl87 = poplpre92 # ", Munich, Germany" }
@STRING{popl88 = poplpre92 # ", San Diego, California" }
@STRING{popl89 = poplpre92 # ", Austin, Texas" }
@STRING{popl90 = poplpre92 # ", {S}an {F}rancisco, {C}alifornia" }
@STRING{popl91 = poplpre92 # ", Orlando, Florida" }
@STRING{popl92 = popl # ", Albuquerque, New Mexico" }
@STRING{popl93 = popl # ", Charleston, South Carolina" }
@STRING{popl94 = popl # ", {P}ortland, {O}regon" }
@STRING{popl95 = popl # ", San Francisco, California" }
@STRING{popl96 = popl # ", St.~Petersburg Beach, Florida" }
@STRING{popl97 = popl # ", Paris, France" }
@STRING{popl98 = popl # ", San Diego, California" }
@STRING{popl99 = popl # ", San Antonio, Texas" }
@STRING{popl00 = popl # ", Boston, Massachusetts" }
@STRING{popl01 = popl # ", London, England" }
@STRING{popl02 = popl # ", Portland, Oregon" }
@STRING{popl03 = popl # ", New Orleans, Louisiana" }
@STRING{popl04 = popl # ", Venice, Italy" }
@STRING{popl05 = popl # ", Long Beach, California" }
@STRING{popl06 = popl # ", Charleston, South Carolina" }
@STRING{popl07 = popl # ", Nice, France" }
@STRING{popl08 = popl # ", San Francisco, California" }
@STRING{popl09 = popl # ", Savannah, Georgia" }
@STRING{popl10 = popl # ", Madrid, Spain" }
@STRING{popl11 = popl # ", Austin, Texas" }
@STRING{popl12 = popl # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{popl13 = popl # ", Rome, Italy" }
@STRING{popl14 = popl # ", San Diego, California" }
@STRING{popl15 = popl # ", Mumbai, India" }
@STRING{popl16 = popl # ", Saint Petersburg, Florida" }
@STRING{popl17 = popl # ", Paris, France" }
@STRING{popl18 = popl # ", Los Angeles, California" }
@STRING{popl19 = popl # ", Lisbon, Portugal" }
@STRING{popl20 = popl # ", New Orleans, Louisiana" }
@STRING{popl21 = popl }
@STRING{popl22 = popl # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" }
% ----
@STRING{icfp = "{ACM} {SIGPLAN} {I}nternational {C}onference on
{F}unctional {P}rogramming ({ICFP})" }
@STRING{icfp17 = icfp # ", Oxford, England" }
@STRING{icfp16 = icfp # ", Nara, Japan" }
@STRING{icfp14 = icfp # ", Gothenburg, Sweden" }
@STRING{icfp13 = icfp # ", Boston, Massachusetts" }
@STRING{icfp12 = icfp # ", Copenhagen, Denmark" }
@STRING{icfp11 = icfp # ", Tokyo, Japan" }
@STRING{icfp10 = icfp # ", Baltimore, Maryland" }
@STRING{icfp08 = icfp # ", Victoria, British Colombia" }
@STRING{icfp05 = icfp # ", Tallinn, Estonia" }
@STRING{icfp04 = icfp # ", Snowbird, Utah" }
@STRING{icfp03 = icfp # ", Uppsala, Sweden" }
@STRING{icfp02 = icfp # ", Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{icfp01 = icfp # ", Firenze, Italy" }
@STRING{icfp00 = icfp # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
@STRING{icfp99 = icfp # ", Paris, France" }
@STRING{icfp98 = icfp # ", Baltimore, Maryland" }
@STRING{icfp97 = icfp # ", Amsterdam, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{icfp96 = icfp # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" }
% ----
@STRING{itp = "Interactive Theorem Proving ({ITP})"}
@STRING{itp10 = itp # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{itp11 = itp # ", Nijmegen, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{itp13 = itp # ", Rennes, France" }
% ----
@STRING{oopsla = "{ACM} {SIGPLAN} {C}onference on {O}bject {O}riented
{P}rogramming: {S}ystems, {L}anguages, and {A}pplications ({OOPSLA})" }
@STRING{oopslapre96 = "{C}onference on {O}bject {O}riented {P}rogramming:
{S}ystems, {L}anguages, and {A}pplications ({OOPSLA})" }
@STRING{ccs = "{ACM} {SIGSAC} Conference on Computer and Communications Security ({CCS})"}
@STRING{ccs12 = ccs # ", Raleigh, North Carolina" }
@STRING{ccs13 = ccs # ", Berlin, Germany" }
@STRING{ccs14 = ccs # ", Scottsdale, Arizona" }
@STRING{ccs15 = ccs # ", Boulder, Colorado" }
@STRING{ccs16 = ccs # ", Vienna, Austria" }
@STRING{ccs17 = ccs # ", Dallas, Texas" }
@STRING{ccs18 = ccs # ", Toronto, Ontario" }
@STRING{ccs19 = ccs # ", London, England" }
@STRING{ccs20 = ccs }
@STRING{cpp = "{ACM} {SIGPLAN} Conference on Certified Proofs and Programs ({CPP})"}
@STRING{cpp16 = cpp # ", St. Petersburg, Florida" }
@STRING{cpp24 = cpp # ", London, England" }
@STRING{dbpl = {Database Programming Languages (DBPL)}}
@STRING{dbpl05 = dbpl}
@STRING{disc = {International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC)}}
@STRING{disc06 = disc}
@STRING{ecoop = {European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP)} }
@STRING{ecoop92 = ecoop}
@STRING{ecoop95 = ecoop}
@STRING{ecoop98 = ecoop}
@STRING{ecoop06 = ecoop # ", Nantes, France"}
@STRING{oopsla86 = oopslapre96 # ", Portland, Oregon" }
@STRING{oopsla89 = oopslapre96 # ", New Orleans, Louisiana"}
@STRING{oopsla90 = oopslapre96 # "/" # ecoop # ", Ottawa, Ontario" }
@STRING{oopsla98 = oopsla # ", Vancouver, British Columbia" }
@STRING{oopsla03 = oopsla # ", Anaheim, California" }
@STRING{oopsla13 = oopsla # ", Indianapolis, Indiana" }
@STRING{oopsla14 = oopsla # ", Portland, Oregon" }
@STRING{oopsla16 = oopsla # ", Amsterdam, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{oopsla22 = oopsla # ", Auckland, New Zealand" }
% ----
@STRING{lics = "{IEEE} {S}ymposium on {L}ogic in {C}omputer {S}cience ({LICS})" }
@STRING{licspost20 = "{ACM/IEEE} {S}ymposium on {L}ogic in {C}omputer {S}cience ({LICS})" }
@STRING{lics86 = lics # ", Cambridge, Massachusetts" }
@STRING{lics87 = lics # ", Ithaca, New York" }
@STRING{lics88 = lics # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{lics89 = lics # ", Asilomar, California" }
@STRING{lics90 = lics # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{lics91 = lics # ", Amsterdam, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{lics92 = lics # ", Santa Cruz, California" }
@STRING{lics93 = lics # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
@STRING{lics94 = lics # ", Paris, France" }
@STRING{lics95 = lics # ", San Diego, California" }
@STRING{lics96 = lics # ", New Brunswick, New Jersey" }
@STRING{lics97 = lics # ", Warsaw, Poland" }
@STRING{lics98 = lics # ", Indianapolis, Indiana" }
@STRING{lics99 = lics # ", Trento, Italy" }
@STRING{lics00 = lics # ", Santa Barbara, California" }
@STRING{lics01 = lics # ", Boston, Massachusetts" }
@STRING{lics02 = lics # ", Copenhagen, Denmark" }
@STRING{lics03 = lics # ", Ottawa, Ontario" }
@STRING{lics06 = lics # ", Seattle, Washington" }
@STRING{lics11 = lics # ", Toronto, Ontario" }
@STRING{lics14 = lics # ", Vienna, Austria" }
@STRING{lics16 = lics # ", New York, New York" }
@STRING{lics17 = lics # ", Reykjavik, Iceland" }
@STRING{lics19 = lics # ", Vancouver, British Columbia" }
@STRING{lics20 = licspost20 # ", Saarbr{\"{u}}cken, Germany" }
@STRING{lics21 = licspost20 }
% ----
@STRING{pldi = "{ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design
and Implementation (PLDI)}" }
@STRING{pldi88 = pldi # ", {A}tlanta, {G}eorgia" }
@STRING{pldi89 = pldi # ", Portland, Oregon" }
@STRING{pldi90 = pldi # ", White Plains, New York" }
@STRING{pldi91 = pldi # ", Toronto, Ontario" }
@STRING{pldi92 = pldi # ", San Francisco, California" }
@STRING{pldi93 = pldi # ", Albuquerque, New Mexico" }
@STRING{pldi94 = pldi # ", Orlando, Florida" }
@STRING{pldi95 = pldi # ", La Jolla, California" }
@STRING{pldi96 = pldi # ", Philadephia, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{pldi97 = pldi # ", Las Vegas, Nevada" }
@STRING{pldi98 = pldi # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
@STRING{pldi99 = pldi # ", {A}tlanta, {G}eorgia" }
@STRING{pldi00 = pldi # ", Vancouver, British Columbia" }
@STRING{pldi01 = pldi # ", Snowbird, Utah" }
@STRING{pldi02 = pldi # ", Berlin, Germany" }
@STRING{pldi03 = pldi # ", San Diego, California" }
@STRING{pldi08 = pldi # ", Tucson, Arizona" }
@STRING{pldi11 = pldi # ", San Jose, California" }
@STRING{pldi12 = pldi # ", Beijing, China" }
@STRING{pldi13 = pldi # ", Seattle, Washington" }
@STRING{pldi14 = pldi # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{pldi15 = pldi # ", Portland, Oregon" }
@STRING{pldi16 = pldi # ", Santa Barbara, California" }
@STRING{pldi18 = pldi # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{pldi19 = pldi # ", Phoenix, Arizona" }
@STRING{pldi20 = pldi # ", London, England" }
@STRING{pldi21 = pldi }
@STRING{pldi22 = pldi # ", San Diego, California" }
@STRING{pldi23 = pldi # ", Orlando, Florida" }
@STRING{pldi24 = pldi # ", Copenhagen, Denmark" }
% ----
@STRING{lfp = "ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming (LFP)" }
@STRING{lfp80 = lfp # ", Stanford, California" }
@STRING{lfp84 = lfp # ", Austin, Texas" }
@STRING{lfp86 = lfp # ", Cambridge, Massachusetts" }
@STRING{lfp88 = lfp # ", Snowbird, Utah" }
@STRING{lfp90 = lfp }
@STRING{lfp92 = lfp # ", San Francisco, California"}
@STRING{lfp94 = lfp # ", Orlando, Florida" }
% ----
@STRING{fpca = "ACM Symposium on Functional Programming Languages and
Computer Architecture (FPCA)" }
@STRING{fpca87 = fpca # ", Portland, Oregon" }
@STRING{fpca89 = fpca # ", London, England" }
@STRING{fpca93 = fpca # ", Copenhagen, Denmark"}
@STRING{fpca95 = fpca # ", San Diego, California" }
% ----
@STRING{ec = "{ACM} {SIGecom} {C}onference on {E}conomics and
{C}omputation (EC)" }
@STRING{ec07 = ec # ", San Diego, California"}
@STRING{ec09 = ec # ", Stanford, California"}
@STRING{ec10 = ec # ", Cambridge, Massachusetts"}
@STRING{ec13 = ec # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"}
@STRING{ec14 = ec # ", Palo Alto, California"}
@STRING{ec15 = ec # ", Portland, Oregon"}
% ----
@STRING{ics = "{S}ymposium on {I}nnovations in {C}ompuer {S}cience"}
@STRING{itcs = "{ACM} {SIGACT} {I}nnovations in {T}heoretical {C}omputer
{S}cience (ITCS)"}
@STRING{itcs10 = ics # ", Beijing, China"}
@STRING{itcs11 = ics # ", Beijing, China"}
@STRING{itcs12 = itcs # ", Cambridge, Massachusetts"}
@STRING{itcs13 = itcs # ", Berkeley, California"}
@STRING{itcs14 = itcs # ", Princeton, New Jersey"}
@STRING{itcs16 = itcs # ", Cambridge, Massachusetts"}
% ----
@STRING{iclr = "International Conference on Learning Representations" }
@STRING{iclr14 = iclr # ", Banff, Alberta" }
% ----
@STRING{icaart = "{I}nternational {C}onference on {A}gents and {A}rtificial {I}ntelligence (ICAART)" }
@STRING{icaart19 = icaart # ", Prague, Czech Republic" }
% ----
@STRING{stoc = "{ACM} {SIGACT} {S}ymposium on {T}heory of {C}omputing (STOC)"}
@STRING{stoc80 = stoc # ", Los Angeles, California"}
@STRING{stoc81 = stoc # ", Milwaukee, Wisconsin"}
@STRING{stoc82 = stoc # ", San Francisco, California"}
@STRING{stoc83 = stoc # ", Boston, Massachusetts"}
@STRING{stoc87 = stoc # ", New York, New York"}
@STRING{stoc89 = stoc # ", Seattle, Washington"}
@STRING{stoc91 = stoc # ", New Orleans, Louisiana"}
@STRING{stoc97 = stoc # ", El Paso, Texas"}
@STRING{stoc99 = stoc # ", Atlanta, Georgia"}
@STRING{stoc02 = stoc # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec"}
@STRING{stoc04 = stoc # ", Chicago, Illinois"}
@STRING{stoc05 = stoc # ", Baltimore, Maryland"}
@STRING{stoc06 = stoc # ", Seattle, Washington"}
@STRING{stoc07 = stoc # ", San Diego, California"}
@STRING{stoc08 = stoc # ", Victoria, British Colombia"}
@STRING{stoc09 = stoc # ", Bethesda, Maryland"}
@STRING{stoc10 = stoc # ", Cambridge, Massachusetts"}
@STRING{stoc11 = stoc # ", San Jose, California"}
@STRING{stoc12 = stoc # ", New York, New York"}
@STRING{stoc13 = stoc # ", Palo Alto, California"}
@STRING{stoc14 = stoc # ", New York, New York"}
@STRING{stoc15 = stoc # ", Portland, Oregon"}
@STRING{stoc16 = stoc # ", Cambridge, Massachusetts"}
% ----
@STRING{focs = "{IEEE} {S}ymposium on {F}oundations of {C}omputer {S}cience (FOCS)"}
@STRING{focs77 = focs # ", Providence, Rhode Island"}
@STRING{focs79 = focs # ", San Juan, Puerto Rico"}
@STRING{focs82 = focs # ", Chicago, Illinois"}
@STRING{focs86 = focs # ", Toronto, Ontario"}
@STRING{focs89 = focs # ", Triangle Park, North Carolina"}
@STRING{focs95 = focs # ", Milwaukee, Wisconsin"}
@STRING{focs97 = focs # ", Miami Beach, Florida"}
@STRING{focs01 = focs # ", Las Vegas, Nevada"}
@STRING{focs05 = focs # ", Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"}
@STRING{focs07 = focs # ", Providence, Rhode Island"}
@STRING{focs09 = focs # ", Atlanta, Georgia"}
@STRING{focs10 = focs # ", Las Vegas, Nevada"}
@STRING{focs12 = focs # ", New Brunswick, New Jersey"}
@STRING{focs13 = focs # ", Berkeley, California"}
@STRING{focs14 = focs # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"}
% ----
@STRING{fmcad = "International Conference on Formal Methods in
Computer-Aided Design ({FMCAD})" }
@STRING{fmcad00 = fmcad # ", Austin, Texas" }
% ----
@STRING{socg = "{SIGACT} -- {SIGGRAPH} {S}ymposium on {C}omputational
{G}eometry (SOCG)"}
@STRING{socg14 = socg # ", Kyoto, Japan"}
% ----
@STRING{soda = "{ACM--SIAM} {S}ymposium on {D}iscrete {A}lgorithms (SODA)"}
@STRING{soda03 = soda # ", Baltimore, Maryland" }
@STRING{soda05 = soda # ", Vancouver, British Colombia" }
@STRING{soda10 = soda # ", Austin, Texas"}
@STRING{soda11 = soda # ", San Francisco, California"}
@STRING{soda12 = soda # ", Kyoto, Japan"}
@STRING{soda13 = soda # ", New York, New York"}
@STRING{soda14 = soda # ", Portland, Oregon"}
@STRING{soda15 = soda # ", San Diego, California"}
@STRING{soda16 = soda # ", Arlington, Virginia"}
@STRING{soda17 = soda # ", Barcelona, Spain"}
% ----
@STRING{tcc = "{IACR} {T}heory of {C}ryptography {C}onference (TCC)"}
@STRING{tcc06 = tcc # ", New York, New York"}
@STRING{tcc11 = tcc # ", Providence, Rhode Island"}
@STRING{tcc12 = tcc # ", Taormina, Italy"}
@STRING{tcc13 = tcc # ", Tokyo, Japan"}
@STRING{tcc16a = tcc # ", Tel Aviv, Israel"}
@STRING{tcc16b = tcc # ", Beijing, China"}
% ----
@STRING{aistats = "International Conference on {A}rtificial {I}ntelligence
and {S}tatistics ({AISTATS})"}
@STRING{aistats20 = aistats # ", Palermo, Italy"}
@STRING{aistats14 = aistats # ", Reykjavik, Iceland"}
% ----
@STRING{kdd = "{ACM} {SIGKDD} {C}onference on {K}nowledge {D}iscovery
and {D}ata {M}ining (KDD)"}
@STRING{kdd02 = kdd # ", Edmonton, Alberta"}
@STRING{kdd08 = kdd # ", Las Vegas, Nevada"}
@STRING{kdd09 = kdd # ", Paris, France"}
@STRING{kdd10 = kdd # ", Washington, DC"}
% ----
@STRING{nips = "{C}onference on {N}eural {I}nformation {P}rocessing
{S}ystems ({NIPS})"}
@STRING{neurips = "{C}onference on {N}eural {I}nformation {P}rocessing
{S}ystems ({NeurIPS})"}
@STRING{nips08 = nips # ", Vancouver, British Colombia" }
@STRING{nips12 = nips # ", Lake Tahoe, California" }
@STRING{nips13 = nips # ", Lake Tahoe, California" }
@STRING{nips14 = nips # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
@STRING{nips15 = nips # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
@STRING{nips16 = nips # ", Barcelona, Spain" }
@STRING{nips17 = nips # ", Long Beach, California" }
@STRING{nips18 = neurips # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
% ----
@STRING{icml = "{I}nternational {C}onference on {M}achine {L}earning (ICML)" }
@STRING{icml03 = icml # ", Washington, DC" }
@STRING{icml12 = icml # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{icml14 = icml # ", Beijing, China" }
@STRING{icml15 = icml # ", Lille, France" }
@STRING{icml16 = icml # ", New York, NY" }
@STRING{icml17 = icml # ", Sydney, Australia" }
% ----
@STRING{sp = "{IEEE} {S}ymposium on {S}ecurity and {P}rivacy (S\&P)"}
@STRING{sp08 = sp # ", Oakland, California"}
@STRING{sp09 = sp # ", Oakland, California"}
@STRING{sp11 = sp # ", Berkeley, California"}
@STRING{sp14 = sp # ", Oakland, California"}
@STRING{sp15 = sp # ", San Jose, California"}
@STRING{oakland = sp}
% ----
@STRING{sigcomm = "Conference of the {ACM} Special Interest Group on Data Communication ({SIGCOMM})"}
@STRING{sigcomm17 = sigcomm # ", Los Angeles, California" }
@STRING{sigcomm18 = sigcomm # ", Budapest, Hungary" }
@STRING{sigcomm20 = sigcomm }
% ----
@STRING{usenix = "{USENIX} {S}ecurity {S}mposium {(USENIX)}" }
@STRING{usenix16 = usenix # ", Austin, Texas" }
@STRING{usenix18 = usenix # ", Baltimore, Maryland" }
@STRING{usenix20 = usenix }
@STRING{usenix21 = usenix }
% ----
@STRING{snapl = "Summit on Advances in Programming Languages ({SNAPL})"}
@STRING{snapl15 = snapl # ", Asilomar, California"}
% ----
@STRING{icde = "{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {D}ata
{E}ngineering (ICDE)"}
@STRING{icde06 = icde # ", Atlanta, Georgia" }
@STRING{icde07 = icde # ", Istanbul, Turkey" }
@STRING{icde13 = icde # ", Brisbane, Australia" }
% ----
@STRING{pvldb = "Proceedings of the {VLDB} Endowment"}
@STRING{vldb = "Appeared at the {I}nternational {C}onference on {V}ery {L}arge {D}ata {B}ases (VLDB)"}
@STRING{vldb12 = vldb # ", Istanbul, Turkey"}
@STRING{vldb14 = vldb # ", Hangzhou, China"}
@STRING{vldb17 = vldb # ", Munich, Germany"}
@STRING{vldb18 = vldb # ", Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"}
% ----
@STRING{icc = "{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}ommunications
@STRING{icc11 = icc # ", Kyoto, Japan"}
% ----
@STRING{sigmod = "{ACM} {SIGMOD} {I}nternational {C}onference on
{M}anagement of {D}ata (SIGMOD)"}
@STRING{sigmod00 = sigmod # ", New York, New York"}
@STRING{sigmod09 = sigmod # ", Providence, Rhode Island"}
@STRING{sigmod10 = sigmod # ", Indianapolis, Indiana"}
@STRING{sigmod12 = sigmod # ", Scottsdale, Arizona"}
@STRING{sigmod14 = sigmod # ", Snowbird, Utah"}
@STRING{sigmod17 = sigmod # ", Chicago, Illinois"}
% ----
@STRING{tamc = "Theory and Applications of Models of Computation
({TAMC})" }
@STRING{tamc08 = tamc # ", Xi'an, China" }
% ----
@STRING{nsdi = "{USENIX} {S}ymposium on {N}etworked {S}ystems {D}esign
and {I}mplementation (NSDI)"}
@STRING{nsdi10 = nsdi # ", San Jose, California"}
@STRING{nsdi12 = nsdi # ", San Jose, California"}
@STRING{nsdi16 = nsdi # ", Renton, Washington"}
@STRING{nsdi19 = nsdi # ", Boston, Massachusetts"}
@STRING{nsdi20 = nsdi # ", Santa Clara, California"}
@STRING{nsdi21 = nsdi}
% ----
@STRING{sosr = "{ACM} {SIGCOMM} Symposium on SDN Research ({SOSR})"}
@STRING{sosr21 = sosr}
% ----
@STRING{hotcloud = "{USENIX} Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing ({HotCloud})" }
@STRING{hotcloud19 = hotcloud # ", Renton, Washington"}
% ----
@STRING{hotnets = "{ACM} Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks ({HotNets})" }
@STRING{hotnets19 = hotnets # ", Princeton, New Jersey"}
@STRING{hotnets23 = hotnets # ", Cambridge, Massachusetts"}
% ----
@STRING{eucrypt = "{IACR} {I}nternational {C}onference on the {T}heory and
{A}pplications of {C}ryptographic {T}echniques (EUROCRYPT)"}
@STRING{eucrypt06 = eucrypt # ", Saint Petersburg, Russia"}
@STRING{eucrypt13 = eucrypt # ", Athens, Greece"}
@STRING{eucrypt14 = eucrypt # ", Copenhagen, Denmark" }
@STRING{eucrypt15 = eucrypt # ", Sofia, Bulgaria" }
% ----
@STRING{vmcai = "{I}nternational {C}onference on {V}erification, {M}odel
{C}hecking, and {A}bstract {I}nterpretation ({VMCAI})" }
@STRING{vmcai07 = vmcai # ", Nice, France" }
@STRING{vmcai09 = vmcai # ", Savannah, Georgia" }
@STRING{vmcai12 = vmcai # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{vmcai13 = vmcai # ", Rome, Italy" }
@STRING{vmcai16 = vmcai # ", St. Petersburg, Florida" }
@STRING{vmcai18 = vmcai # ", Los Angeles, California" }
% ----
@STRING{csf = "{IEEE} {C}omputer {S}ecurity {F}oundations {S}ymposium
({CSF})" }
@STRING{csf07 = csf # ", Venice, Italy" }
@STRING{csf08 = csf # ", Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{csf10 = csf # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{csf11 = csf # ", Domaine de l'Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay, France" }
@STRING{csf13 = csf # ", New Orleans, Louisiana" }
@STRING{csf14 = csf # ", Vienna, Austria" }
@STRING{csf15 = csf # ", Venice, Italy" }
@STRING{csf16 = csf # ", Lisbon, Portugal" }
@STRING{csf17 = csf # ", Santa Barbara, California" }
% ----
@STRING{pepmpre12 = "{S}ymposium on {P}artial {E}valuation and
{S}emantics-{B}ased {P}rogram {M}anipulation ({PEPM})" }
@STRING{pepm91 = pepmpre12 # ", New Haven, Connecticut" }
% ----
@STRING{arith = "{IEEE} Symposium on Computer Arithmetic ({ARITH})" }
@STRING{arith11 = arith # ", T{\"{u}}bingen, Germany" }
@STRING{arith23 = arith # ", Portland, Oregon" }
% ----
% workshops with informal proceedings only
% ----
@STRING{informal = "{, informal proceedings}"}
@STRING{fool = {International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented
Languages (FOOL)} # informal }
@STRING{haskellw = {ACM Haskell Workshop} # informal }
@STRING{mlw = {ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML} # informal }
@STRING{space = {Workshop on Semantics, Program Analysis and Computing
Environments for Memory Management (SPACE)} # informal }
@STRING{tpa = {Workshop on Types for Program Analysis (TPA)} # informal }
@STRING{fopara = {International Workshop on Foundational and Practical
Aspects of Resource Analysis (FOPARA)} # informal}
@STRING{tpdp = {Theory and Practice of Differential Privacy (TPDP)}}
@STRING{cmcs = {{IFIP} {WG} 1.3 International Workshop on Coalgebraic
Methods in Computer Science ({CMCS})}}
% ----
% meetings with proceedings:
% ---
@STRING{aplas = {Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS)} }
@STRING{asplos = {International Conference on Architectural Support for
Programming Langauages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)} }
@STRING{ase = {IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)} }
@STRING{atva = {International Symposium on Automated Technology for
Verification and Analysis (ATVA)} }
@STRING{calco = {Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science ({CALCO})}}
@STRING{cav = {International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV)} }
@STRING{ceemas = {International Central and Eastern European Conference on
Multi-Agent Systems} }
@STRING{colt = {{C}onference on {C}omputational {L}earning {T}heory
@STRING{concur = {International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR)} }
@STRING{csl = {International Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL)} }
@STRING{cslpre11 = {International Workshop on Computer Science Logic (CSL)} }
@STRING{csfw = {IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW)} }
@STRING{ct = {International Category Theory Conference (CT)} }
@STRING{ecoop = {European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP)} }
@STRING{esecfse = {Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering
Conference and the {ACM} {SIGSOFT} Symposium on the Foundations of Software
Engineering (ESEC/FSE)} }
@STRING{esop = {European Symposium on Programming (ESOP)} }
@STRING{esorics = {European Symposium on Programming on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)} }
@STRING{fesca = {International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to
Software Components and Architectures (FESCA)} }
@STRING{flops = {International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
(FLOPS)} }
@STRING{fse = {{ACM} {SIGSOFT} Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE)}}
@STRING{fm = {International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM)} }
@STRING{fmco = {International Symposia on Formal Methods for Components and
Objects (FMCO)} }
@STRING{fossacs = {International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures {(FoSSaCS)}}}
@STRING{fscd = {International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction {(FSCD)}}}
@STRING{fsttcs = {Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer
Science (FSTTCS)} }
@STRING{hcomp = {{AAAI} Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP)} }
@STRING{hoots = {Workshop on Higher Order Operational Techniques in
Semantics (HOOTS)} }
@STRING{icalp = {International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and
Programming (ICALP)} }
@STRING{icse = {International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)} }
@STRING{issta = {{ACM} {SIGSOFT} International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis {(ISSTA)}} }
@STRING{ictac = {International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC)} }
@STRING{ijcai = {International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)} }
@STRING{ijcar = {International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR)} }
@STRING{ipco = {Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial
Optimization (IPCO)} }
@STRING{lfcompsci = {International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer
Science (LFCS)} }
@STRING{lpar = {International Conference on Logic for Programming,
Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR)} }
@STRING{logfcs = {Symposium on the Logical Foundations of Computer Science
(LFCS)} }
@STRING{mfps = {Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming
Semantics (MFPS)} }
@STRING{nfm = {{NASA} Formal Methods Symposium (NFM)} }
@STRING{nsv = {International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification ({NSV}) }}
@STRING{osdi = {USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and
Implementation (OSDI)} }
@STRING{paste = {ACM SIGPLAN--SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for
Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE)} }
@STRING{ppdp = {ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Principles and
Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP)} }
@STRING{ppopp = {ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of
Parallel Programming (PPoPP)} }
@STRING{randapx = {Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems (APPROX) and Workshop on Randomization
and Computation (RANDOM)} }
@STRING{rta = {International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and
Applications (RTA)} }
@STRING{rvpre10 = {International Workshop on Runtime Verification (RV)} }
@STRING{rv = {International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV)} }
@STRING{sas = {International Symposium on Static Analysis (SAS)} }
@STRING{sosp = {ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP)} }
@STRING{sandp = { {IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy (S\&P) }}
@STRING{tacs = {International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer
Software (TACS)} }
@STRING{tacas = {International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the
Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS)} }
@STRING{tapsoft = {Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT)} }
@STRING{tfp = {Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP)} }
@STRING{tic = {ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Compilation ({TIC})} }
@STRING{tlca = {International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and
Applications (TLCA)} }
@STRING{tldi = {ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Language Design and
Implementation (TLDI)} }
@STRING{tphol = {International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order
Logics (TPHOL)} }
@STRING{types = {International Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs
(TYPES)} }
@STRING{webdb = {International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB)} }
@STRING{wosn = {Workshop on Online Social Networks (WOSN)} }
@STRING{xsym = {Database and XML Technologies: International XML Database
Symposium (XSym)} }
@STRING{wine = {Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE)} }
@STRING{wsa = {Workshop on Static Analysis (WSA)} }
% ----
% Specific meetings, with locations:
% ---
@STRING{aaai = "{AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence"}
@STRING{aaai87 = aaai # ", Seattle, WA"}
@STRING{aaai07 = aaai # ", Vancouver, British Colombia"}
% ---
@STRING{aplas03 = aplas # ", Beijing, China" }
@STRING{aplas05 = aplas # ", Tsukuba, Japan" }
@STRING{aplas08 = aplas # ", Bangalore, India" }
@STRING{aplas10 = aplas # ", Shanghai, China" }
@STRING{aplas17 = aplas # ", Suzhou, China" }
@STRING{aplas21 = aplas # ", Chicago, Illinois" }
@STRING{ascrypt = "International Conference on the Theory and
Application of Cryptology and Information Security (ASIACRYPT)" }
@STRING{ascrypt11 = ascrypt # ", Seoul, South Korea" }
@STRING{ascrypt15 = ascrypt # ", Auckland, New Zealand" }
@STRING{ascrypt18 = ascrypt # ", Brisbane, Australia" }
@STRING{asplos06 = asplos # ", San Jose, California" }
@STRING{asplos14 = asplos # ", Salt Lake City, Utah" }
@STRING{asplos21 = asplos}
@STRING{ase17 = ase # ", Urbana, Illinois" }
@STRING{atva19 = atva # ", Taipei City, Taiwan" }
@STRING{ceemas07 = ceemas # ", Leipzig, Germany" }
% ---
@STRING{colt95 = colt # ", Santa Cruz, California" }
@STRING{colt96 = colt # ", Desenzano sul Garda, Italy" }
@STRING{colt11 = colt # ", Budapest, Hungary" }
@STRING{colt12 = colt # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{colt13 = colt # ", Princeton, New Jersey" }
@STRING{colt14 = colt # ", Barcelona, Spain" }
@STRING{colt16 = colt # ", New York, New York" }
% ---
@STRING{concur95 = concur # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{concur01 = concur # ", Aalborg, Denmark" }
@STRING{concur06 = concur # ", Bonn, Germany" }
@STRING{concur07 = concur # ", Lisbon, Portugal" }
@STRING{concur09 = concur # ", Bologna, Italy" }
@STRING{concur14 = concur # ", Rome, Italy" }
@STRING{concur17 = concur # ", Berlin, Germany" }
% ---
@STRING{calco13 = concur # ", Warsaw, Poland" }
@STRING{calco15 = concur # ", Nijmegen, The Netherlands" }
% ---
@STRING{cav96 = cav # ", New Brunswick, New Jersey" }
@STRING{cav97 = cav # ", Haifa, Israel" }
@STRING{cav00 = cav # ", Chicago, Illinois" }
@STRING{cav02 = cav # ", Copenhagen, Denmark" }
@STRING{cav03 = cav # ", Boulder, Colorado" }
@STRING{cav06 = cav # ", Seattle, Washington" }
@STRING{cav07 = cav # ", Berlin, Germany" }
@STRING{cav08 = cav # ", Princeton, New Jersey" }
@STRING{cav10 = cav # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{cav11 = cav # ", Snowbird, Utah" }
@STRING{cav12 = cav # ", Berkeley, California" }
@STRING{cav13 = cav # ", Saint Petersburg, Russia" }
@STRING{cav15 = cav # ", San Francisco, California" }
@STRING{cav16 = cav # ", Toronto, Ontario" }
@STRING{cav17 = cav # ", Heidelberg, Germany" }
@STRING{cav18 = cav # ", Oxford, England" }
@STRING{cav20 = cav # ", Los Angeles, California" }
@STRING{cav22 = cav # ", Haifa, Israel" }
@STRING{cav24 = cav # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
% ---
@STRING{cp = "International Conference on Principles and Practice of
Constraint Programming (CP)" }
@STRING{cp03 = cp # ", Kinsale, Ireland" }
% ---
@STRING{crypto = "{IACR} International Cryptology Conference {(CRYPTO)}, Santa Barbara, California"}
% ---
@STRING{csl94 = cslpre11 # ", Kazimierz, Poland" }
@STRING{csl97 = cslpre11 # ", Aarhus, Denmark" }
@STRING{csl01 = cslpre11 # ", Paris, France" }
@STRING{csl05 = cslpre11 # ", Oxford, England" }
% ---
@STRING{csfw02 = csfw # ", Cape Breton, Nova Scotia" }
@STRING{csfw03 = csfw # ", Pacific Grove, California" }
@STRING{csfw04 = csfw # ", Pacific Grove, California" }
% ---
@STRING{ct90 = ct # ", Como, Italy" }
% ---
@STRING{ecoop90 = oopsla # "/" # ecoop # ", Ottawa, Ontario" }
@STRING{ecoop97 = ecoop # ", Jyv{\"a}skyl{\"a}, Finland" }
@STRING{ecoop99 = ecoop # ", Lisbon, Portugal" }
@STRING{ecoop00 = ecoop # ", Sophia Antipolis and Cannes, France" }
@STRING{ecoop02 = ecoop # ", Malaga, Spain" }
@STRING{ecoop03 = ecoop # ", Darmstadt, Germany" }
@STRING{ecoop04 = ecoop # ", Oslo, Norway" }
@STRING{ecoop19 = ecoop # ", London, England" }
% ---
@STRING{esecfse11 = esecfse # ", Szeged, Hungary" }
@STRING{esecfse13 = esecfse # ", Saint Petersburg, Russia" }
@STRING{esecfse19 = esecfse # ", Tallinn, Estonia" }
% ---
@STRING{esop88 = esop # ", Nancy, France" }
@STRING{esop92 = esop # ", Rennes, France" }
@STRING{esop94 = esop # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{esop00 = esop # ", Berlin, Germany" }
@STRING{esop01 = esop # ", Genova, Italy" }
@STRING{esop02 = esop # ", Grenoble, France" }
@STRING{esop05 = esop # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{esop07 = esop # ", Braga, Portugal" }
@STRING{esop09 = esop # ", York, England" }
@STRING{esop11 = esop # ", Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany" }
@STRING{esop12 = esop # ", Tallinn, Estonia" }
@STRING{esop13 = esop # ", Rome, Italy" }
@STRING{esop14 = esop # ", Grenoble, France" }
@STRING{esop16 = esop # ", Eindhoven, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{esop17 = esop # ", Uppsala, Sweden" }
@STRING{esop18 = esop # ", Thessaloniki, Greece" }
@STRING{esop21 = esop # ", Luxembourg City, Luxembourg" }
@STRING{esop23 = esop # ", Paris, France" }
% ---
@STRING{esorics03 = esorics # ", Gj{\o}vic, Norway" }
% ---
@STRING{fesca14 = fesca # ", Grenoble, France" }
% ---
@STRING{flops04 = flops # ", Nara, Japan" }
@STRING{flops16 = flops # ", Kochi, Japan" }
% ---
@STRING{fm08 = fm # ", Turku, Finland" }
@STRING{fm11 = fm # ", Limerick, Ireland" }
@STRING{fm12 = fm # ", Paris, France" }
@STRING{fm19 = "Formal Methods -- The Next 30 Years ({FM}), Porto, Portugal" }
% ---
@STRING{fmco06 = fmco # ", Amsterdam, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{fmco09 = fmco # ", Eindhoven, The Netherlands" }
% ---
STRING{fse08 = fse # ", Atlanta, Georgia" }
% ---
@STRING{fossacs03 = fossacs # ", Warsaw, Poland" }
@STRING{fossacs09 = fossacs # ", York, England" }
@STRING{fossacs11 = fossacs # ", Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany" }
@STRING{fossacs15 = fossacs # ", London, England" }
@STRING{fossacs16 = fossacs # ", Eindhoven, The Netherlands" }
% ---
@STRING{fscd24 = fscd # ", Tallinn, Estonia" }
% ---
@STRING{fsttcs93 = fsttcs # ", Bombay, India" }
@STRING{fsttcs04 = fsttcs # ", Chennai, India" }
@STRING{fsttcs06 = fsttcs # ", Kolkata, India" }
% ---
@STRING{hcomp15 = hcomp # ", San Diego, California" }
% ---
@STRING{hoots00 = hoots # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
% ---
@STRING{icalp84 = icalp # ", Antwerp, Belgium" }
@STRING{icalp97 = icalp # ", Bologna, Italy" }
@STRING{icalp98 = icalp # ", Aalborg, Denmark" }
@STRING{icalp01 = icalp # ", Crete, Greece" }
@STRING{icalp06 = icalp # ", Venice, Italy" }
@STRING{icalp10 = icalp # ", Bordeaux, France" }
@STRING{icalp11 = icalp # ", Z{\"u}rich, Switzerland" }
@STRING{icalp12 = icalp # ", Warwick, England" }
@STRING{icalp13 = icalp # ", Riga, Latvia" }
@STRING{icalp14 = icalp # ", Copenhagen, Denmark" }
@STRING{icalp16 = icalp # ", Rome, Italy" }
@STRING{icalp17 = icalp # ", Warsaw, Poland" }
@STRING{icalp18 = icalp # ", Prague, Czech Republic" }
% ---
@STRING{icse13 = icse # ", San Francisco, California" }
@STRING{icse14 = icse # ", Hyderabad, India" }
@STRING{icse19 = icse # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
% ---
@STRING{issta12 = issta # ", Minneapolis, Minnesota" }
% ---
@STRING{ictac18 = ictac # ", Stellenbosch, South Africa" }
% ---
@STRING{ijcai15 = ijcai # ", Buenos Aires, Argentina" }
@STRING{ijcai19 = ijcai # ", Macao, China" }
% ---
@STRING{ijcar18 = ijcar # ", Oxford, England" }
% ---
@STRING{ipco06 = ipco # ", Vancouver, British Columbia" }
% ---
@STRING{lfcompsci94 = lfcompsci # ", St. Petersburg, Russia" }
@STRING{lfcompsci13 = lfcompsci # ", San Diego, California" }
% ---
@STRING{lpar05 = lpar # ", Montego Bay, Jamaica" }
@STRING{lpar08 = lpar # ", Doha, Qatar" }
@STRING{lpar15 = lpar # ", Suva, Fiji" }
@STRING{lpar17 = lpar # ", Maun, Botswana" }
% ---
@STRING{logfcs13 = logfcs # ", San Diego, California" }
% ---
@STRING{mfps87 = mfps # ", New Orleans, Louisiana" }
@STRING{mfps89 = mfps # ", New Orleans, Louisiana" }
@STRING{mfps94 = mfps # ", New Orleans, Louisiana" }
@STRING{mfps95 = mfps # ", New Orleans, Louisiana" }
@STRING{mfps01 = mfps # ", Aarhus, Denmark" }
@STRING{mfps09 = mfps # ", Oxford, England" }
@STRING{mfps11 = mfps # ", Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{mfps14 = mfps # ", Ithaca, New York" }
@STRING{mfps15 = mfps # ", Nijmegen, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{mfps16 = mfps # ", Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{mfps18 = mfps # ", Halifax, Canada" }
% ---
@STRING{nfm11 = nfm # ", Pasadena, California" }
@STRING{nfm15 = nfm # ", Pasadena, California" }
% ---
@STRING{nsv09 = nsv # ", Toronto, Ontario" }
@STRING{nsv22 = nsv # ", Haifa, Israel" }
% ---
@STRING{osdi96 = osdi # ", Seattle, Washington" }
@STRING{osdi00 = osdi # ", San Diego, California" }
@STRING{osdi08 = osdi # ", San Diego, California" }
@STRING{osdi12 = osdi # ", Hollywood, California" }
@STRING{osdi17 = osdi # ", Shanghai, China" }
% ---
@STRING{paste01 = paste # ", Snowbird, Utah" }
% ---
@STRING{ppdp99 = ppdp # ", Paris France" }
@STRING{ppdp01 = ppdp # ", Firenze, Italy" }
@STRING{ppdp12 = ppdp # ", Leuven, Belgium" }
% ---
@STRING{ppopp13 = ppopp # ", Shenzhen, China" }
% ---
@STRING{rta03 = rta # ", Valencia, Spain" }
@STRING{rta05 = rta # ", Nara, Japan" }
% ---
@STRING{randapx13 = randapx # ", Berkeley, California" }
% ---
@STRING{rv09 = rvpre10 # ", Grenoble, France" }
% ---
@STRING{sas95 = sas # ", Glasgow, Scotland" }
@STRING{sas96 = sas # ", Aachen, Germany" }
@STRING{sas97 = sas # ", Paris, France" }
@STRING{sas00 = sas # ", Santa Barbara, California" }
@STRING{sas01 = sas # ", Paris, France" }
@STRING{sas04 = sas # ", Verona, Italy" }
@STRING{sas05 = sas # ", London, England" }
@STRING{sas06 = sas # ", Seoul, Korea" }
@STRING{sas09 = sas # ", Los Angeles, California" }
@STRING{sas10 = sas # ", Perpignan, France" }
@STRING{sas11 = sas # ", Venice, Italy" }
@STRING{sas14 = sas # ", Munich, Germany" }
@STRING{sas17 = sas # ", New York, New York" }
@STRING{sas23 = sas # ", Cascais, Portugal" }
% ---
@STRING{sosp93 = sosp # ", Asheville, North Carolina" }
% ---
@STRING{sandp11 = sandp # ", Oakland, California" }
% ---
@STRING{tacs94 = tacs # ", Sendai, Japan" }
@STRING{tacs01 = tacs # ", Sendai, Japan" }
% ---
@STRING{tacas98 = tacas # ", Lisbon, Portugal" }
@STRING{tacas01 = tacas # ", Genova, Italy" }
@STRING{tacas06 = tacas # ", Vienna, Austria" }
@STRING{tacas08 = tacas # ", Budapest, Hungary" }
@STRING{tacas11 = tacas # ", Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany" }
@STRING{tacas12 = tacas # ", Tallinn, Estonia" }
@STRING{tacas13 = tacas # ", Rome, Italy" }
@STRING{tacas15 = tacas # ", London, England" }
@STRING{tacas16 = tacas # ", Eindhoven, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{tacas18 = tacas # ", Thessaloniki, Greece" }
@STRING{tacas20 = tacas # ", Dublin, Ireland" }
% ---
@STRING{tapsoft93 = tapsoft # ", Orsay, France" }
@STRING{tapsoft97 = tapsoft # ", Lille, France" }
% ---
@STRING{tfp07 = tfp # ", New York, New York" }
% ---
@STRING{tic97 = tic # ", Amsterdam, The Netherlands"}
@STRING{tic98 = tic # ", Kyoto, Japan"}
@STRING{tic00 = tic # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
% ---
@STRING{tlca93 = tlca # ", Utrecht, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{tlca97 = tlca # ", Nancy, France" }
@STRING{tlca99 = tlca # ", L'Aquila, Italy" }
@STRING{tlca01 = tlca # ", Krak{\'{o}}w, Poland" }
@STRING{tlca03 = tlca # ", Valencia, Spain" }
@STRING{tlca13 = tlca # ", Eindhoven, The Netherlands" }
% ---
@STRING{tldi03 = tldi # ", New Orleans, Louisiana"}
@STRING{tldi12 = tldi # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"}
% ---
@STRING{tpdp18 = tpdp # ", Toronto, Ontario"}
% ---
@STRING{tphol09 = tphol # ", Munich, Germany" }
% ---
@STRING{types93 = types # ", Nijmegen, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{types98 = types # ", Kloster Irsee, Germany" }
% ---
@STRING{uai = "Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence ({UAI})"}
@STRING{uai02 = uai # ", Edmonton, Alberta" }
% ---
@STRING{vstte = "Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools
and Experiments ({VSTTE})" }
@STRING{vstte13 = vstte # ", Menlo Park, California" }
% ---
@STRING{wosn12 = wosn # ", Helsinki, Finland" }
% ---
@STRING{wine11 = wine # ", Singapore" }
@STRING{wine14 = wine # ", Beijing, China" }
@STRING{wine16 = wine # ", Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec" }
% ---
@STRING{wsa93 = wsa # ", Padova, Italy" }
% hack to alphabetize funny names (from the LaTeX Companion)