Format author names.
Get rid of commas, add non-breaking spaces where needed, trim spaces.
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ module HakyllBibTex
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Binary (Binary (..))
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Hakyll
import qualified Bibtex as B
@ -45,16 +48,9 @@ bibEntryContext = Context $ \key _ item ->
"identifier" -> return $ StringField $ B.identifier t
_ -> case lookup key (B.fields t) of
Nothing -> empty
Just val -> return $ StringField $ latexToHtml val
-- Renders latex to HTML, but don't wrap everything in a <p>...
latexToHtml tex =
let p = case Pandoc.readLaTeX Pandoc.def tex of
Pandoc.Pandoc meta [Pandoc.Para para] ->
Pandoc.Pandoc meta [Pandoc.Plain para]
x -> x
in Pandoc.writeHtmlString Pandoc.def p
Just val -> case key of
"author" -> return $ StringField $ formatAuthors val
_ -> return $ StringField $ latexToHtml val
newtype BibFile = BibFile [BibEntry]
@ -80,3 +76,39 @@ lookupBibEntry name (BibFile es) =
case [BibEntry t | BibEntry t <- es, B.identifier t == name] of
[] -> error $ name ++ " not found in BibFile"
(x : _) -> x
formatAuthors :: String -> String
formatAuthors auth =
let auths = splitOn "and" auth
swapped = fmap formatAuthor auths
finalSep = case (length auths) of
1 -> ""
2 -> " and "
_ -> ", and "
(intercalate ", " (init swapped)) ++ finalSep ++ last swapped
formatAuthor :: String -> String
formatAuthor = intercalate " "
. (splitOn " ")
. latexToHtml
. trimSpace
. (intercalate " ")
. reverse
. (splitOn ",")
-- Inefficient...
trimSpace :: String -> String
trimSpace = f . f
where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace
latexToHtml tex =
let p = case Pandoc.readLaTeX Pandoc.def tex of
Pandoc.Pandoc meta [Pandoc.Para para] ->
Pandoc.Pandoc meta [Pandoc.Plain para]
x -> x
in Pandoc.writeHtmlString Pandoc.def p
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