This commit is contained in:
@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
@STRING{ccs14 = ccs # ", Scottsdale, Arizona" }
@STRING{ccs15 = ccs # ", Boulder, Colorado" }
@STRING{ccs16 = ccs # ", Vienna, Austria" }
@STRING{ccs17 = ccs # ", Dallas, Texas" }
@STRING{dbpl = {Database Programming Languages (DBPL)}}
@STRING{dbpl05 = dbpl}
@ -286,6 +287,7 @@
@STRING{pldi14 = pldi # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{pldi16 = pldi # ", Santa Barbara, California" }
@STRING{pldi18 = pldi # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{pldi19 = pldi # ", Phoenix, Arizona" }
% ----
@STRING{lfp = "ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming (LFP)" }
@STRING{lfp80 = lfp # ", Stanford, California" }
@ -324,6 +326,14 @@
@STRING{itcs13 = itcs # ", Berkeley, California"}
@STRING{itcs14 = itcs # ", Princeton, New Jersey"}
% ----
@STRING{iclr = "International Conference on Learning Representations" }
@STRING{iclr14 = iclr # ", Banff, Alberta" }
% ----
@STRING{icaart = "{I}nternational {C}onference on {A}gents and {A}rtificial {I}ntelligence" }
@STRING{icaart19 = icaart # ", Prague, Czech Republic" }
% ----
@STRING{stoc = "{ACM} {SIGACT} {S}ymposium on {T}heory of {C}omputing (STOC)"}
@STRING{stoc80 = stoc # ", Los Angeles, California"}
@ -414,6 +424,7 @@
% ----
@STRING{icml = "{I}nternational {C}onference on {M}achine {L}earning (ICML)" }
@STRING{icml03 = icml # ", Washington, DC" }
@STRING{icml12 = icml # ", Edinburgh, Scotland" }
@STRING{icml14 = icml # ", Beijing, China" }
@STRING{icml15 = icml # ", Lille, France" }
@STRING{icml16 = icml # ", New York, NY" }
@ -427,6 +438,10 @@
@STRING{oakland = sp}
% ----
@STRING{usenix = "{USENIX} {S}ecurity {S}mposium {(USENIX)}" }
@STRING{usenix16 = usenix # ", Austin, Texas" }
% ----
@STRING{snapl = "Summit on Advances in Programming Languages ({SNAPL})"}
@STRING{snapl15 = snapl # ", Asilomar, California"}
@ -484,6 +499,7 @@
{C}hecking, and {A}bstract {I}nterpretation ({VMCAI})" }
@STRING{vmcai07 = vmcai # ", Nice, France" }
@STRING{vmcai09 = vmcai # ", Savannah, Georgia" }
@STRING{vmcai12 = vmcai # ", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" }
@STRING{vmcai13 = vmcai # ", Rome, Italy" }
% ----
@ -560,6 +576,7 @@
@STRING{icse = {International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)} }
@STRING{ictac = {International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC)} }
@STRING{ijcai = {International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)} }
@STRING{ijcar = {International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR)} }
@STRING{ipco = {Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial
Optimization (IPCO)} }
@STRING{lfcompsci = {International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer
@ -644,6 +661,7 @@
% ---
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@STRING{cav97 = cav # ", Haifa, Israel" }
@STRING{cav00 = cav # ", Chicago, Illinois" }
@STRING{cav02 = cav # ", Copenhagen, Denmark" }
@STRING{cav03 = cav # ", Boulder, Colorado" }
@STRING{cav06 = cav # ", Seattle, Washington" }
@ -749,6 +767,8 @@ STRING{fse08 = fse # ", Atlanta, Georgia" }
% ---
@STRING{ijcai15 = ijcai # ", Buenos Aires, Argentina" }
% ---
@STRING{ijcar18 = ijcai # ", Oxford, England" }
% ---
@STRING{ipco06 = ipco # ", Vancouver, British Columbia" }
% ---
@STRING{lfcompsci94 = lfcompsci # ", St. Petersburg, Russia" }
@ -817,6 +837,7 @@ STRING{fse08 = fse # ", Atlanta, Georgia" }
@STRING{tacas13 = tacas # ", Rome, Italy" }
@STRING{tacas15 = tacas # ", London, England" }
@STRING{tacas16 = tacas # ", Eindhoven, The Netherlands" }
@STRING{tacas18 = tacas # ", Thessaloniki, Greece" }
% ---
@STRING{tapsoft93 = tapsoft # ", Orsay, France" }
@STRING{tapsoft97 = tapsoft # ", Lille, France" }
@ -1,11 +1,42 @@
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% UNPUBLISHED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
title = {Metric Semantics for Probabilistic Relational Reasoning},
title = {Kantorovich Continuity of Probabilistic Programs},
author = {Aguirre, Alejandro and
Barthe, Gilles and
Hsu, Justin and
Kaminski, Benjamin Lucien and
Katoen, Joost-Pieter and
Matheja, Christoph},
year = 2019,
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.06540},
eprint = {1901.06540},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.LO},
jh = yes,
title = {Coupling Techniques for Reasoning about Quantum Programs},
author = {Barthe, Gilles and
Hsu, Justin and
Ying, Mingsheng and
Yu, Nengkun and
Zhou, Li},
year = 2019,
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.05184},
eprint = {1901.05184},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.LO},
jh = yes,
title = {Probabilistic Relational Reasoning via Metrics},
author = {Azevedo de Amorim, Arthur and
Gaboardi, Marco and
Hsu, Justin and
Katsumata, {Shin-ya}},
year = 2018,
year = 2019,
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.05091},
eprint = {1807.05091},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
@ -13,23 +44,6 @@
jh = yes,
title = {Probabilistic Program Equivalence for {NetKAT}},
author = {Smolka, Steffen and
Kumar, Praveen and
Foster, Nate and
Hsu, Justin and
Kahn, David and
Kozen, Dexter and
Silva, Alexandra},
year = {2018},
jh = yes,
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.02772},
eprint = {1707.02772},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.PL},
title = {Approximate Span Liftings},
author = {Sato, Tetsuya and
@ -109,6 +123,40 @@
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CONFERENCES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
title = {Scalable Verification of Probabilistic Network Programs},
author = {Smolka, Steffen and
Kumar, Praveen and
Foster, Nate and
Hsu, Justin and
Kozen, Dexter and
Silva, Alexandra},
booktitle = pldi19,
year = {2019},
jh = yes,
reviewed = yes,
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.02772},
eprint = {1707.02772},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.PL},
title = {Fake News Detection via NLP is Vulnerable to Adversarial Attacks},
author = {Zhou, Zhixuan and
Guan, Huankang and
Bhat, Meghana Moorthy and
Hsu, Justin},
year = 2019,
booktitle = icaart19,
jh = yes,
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.09657},
eprint = {1901.09657},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.SI},
title = {Trace Abstraction modulo Probability},
author = {Smith, Calvin and
@ -120,7 +168,7 @@
journal = pacmpl,
volume = {3},
number = {POPL},
jhnote = "To appear at " # popl19 # ".",
jhnote = "Appeared at " # popl19 # ".",
eprint = {1810.12396},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.PL},
@ -142,7 +190,7 @@
journal = pacmpl,
volume = {3},
number = {POPL},
jhnote = "To appear at " # popl19 # ".",
jhnote = "Appeared at " # popl19 # ".",
reviewed = yes,
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.06091},
eprint = {1807.06091},
@ -7092,3 +7140,148 @@ url={https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-48224-5_35}
author = {Matthijs V{\'{a}}k{\'{a}}r and
Ohad Kammar and
Sam Staton},
title = {A domain theory for statistical probabilistic programming},
journal = {{PACMPL}},
issue = {{POPL}},
volume = {3},
pages = {36:1--36:29},
year = {2019},
url = {https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3290349},
timestamp = {Thu, 10 Jan 2019 16:23:01 +0100},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/pacmpl/VakarKS19},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}
author = {Pang Wei Koh and
Jacob Steinhardt and
Percy Liang},
title = {Stronger Data Poisoning Attacks Break Data Sanitization Defenses},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/1811.00741},
year = {2018},
url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00741},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1811.00741},
timestamp = {Mon, 26 Nov 2018 12:52:45 +0100},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/corr/abs-1811-00741},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}
author = {Jacob Steinhardt and
Pang Wei Koh and
Percy S. Liang},
title = {Certified Defenses for Data Poisoning Attacks},
booktitle = nips17,
pages = {3520--3532},
year = {2017},
url = {http://papers.nips.cc/paper/6943-certified-defenses-for-data-poisoning-attacks},
timestamp = {Mon, 27 Nov 2017 12:38:48 +0100},
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author = {Christian Szegedy and
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title = {Intriguing properties of neural networks},
booktitle = iclr14,
volume = {abs/1312.6199},
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url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6199},
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timestamp = {Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:47:28 +0200},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/corr/SzegedyZSBEGF13},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}
author = {Battista Biggio and
Blaine Nelson and
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title = {Poisoning Attacks against Support Vector Machines},
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timestamp = {Wed, 29 Mar 2017 16:45:25 +0200},
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author = {Kamalika Chaudhuri and
Claire Monteleoni and
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title = {Differentially Private Empirical Risk Minimization},
journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
volume = {12},
pages = {1069--1109},
year = {2011},
url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2021036},
timestamp = {Thu, 01 Dec 2011 14:06:59 +0100},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/jmlr/ChaudhuriMS11},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}
author = {Daniel Kifer and
Adam D. Smith and
Abhradeep Thakurta},
title = {Private Convex Optimization for Empirical Risk Minimization with Applications to High-dimensional Regression},
booktitle = colt12,
pages = {25.1--25.40},
year = {2012},
url = {http://www.jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v23/kifer12/kifer12.pdf},
timestamp = {Thu, 11 Sep 2014 07:28:56 +0200},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/jmlr/KiferST12},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}
author = {Matt Fredrikson and
Somesh Jha and
Thomas Ristenpart},
title = {Model Inversion Attacks that Exploit Confidence Information and Basic
booktitle = ccs15,
pages = {1322--1333},
year = {2015},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2810103.2813677},
doi = {10.1145/2810103.2813677},
timestamp = {Tue, 06 Nov 2018 11:07:29 +0100},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/conf/ccs/FredriksonJR15},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}
author = {Florian Tram{\`{e}}r and
Fan Zhang and
Ari Juels and
Michael K. Reiter and
Thomas Ristenpart},
title = {Stealing Machine Learning Models via Prediction APIs},
booktitle = usenix16,
pages = {601--618},
year = {2016},
url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity16/technical-sessions/presentation/tramer},
timestamp = {Mon, 05 Sep 2016 15:43:05 +0200},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/conf/uss/TramerZJRR16},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+ **02/2019** **Scalable Verification of Probabilistic Network Programs**
(conditionally) accepted to **PLDI 2019**!
+ **01/2019** This spring, I'm teaching a new undergraduate course on
**Introduction to the Theory and Design of Programming Languages (CS 538)**.
Follow along
+ **11/2018** I gave an invited talk at the [**Privacy in Graphs
at UC Santa Cruz. [Slides](files/slides/pig18-invited.pdf) are now available.
@ -20,14 +26,3 @@
Prague, Czech Republic and [**CSF
2019**](https://www.ieee-security.org/CSFWweb/) in Hoboken, New Jersey. Submit
your best papers!
+ **09/2018** This fall, I'm teaching a graduate seminar on **Topics in Security
and Privacy Technologies (CS 839)**. Follow along
+ **09/2018** I've joined the [**Department of Computer
Sciences**](https://www.cs.wisc.edu/) at the **University of
+ **07/2018** **Convex Language Semantics for Nondeterministic Probabilistic
Automata** will appear at **ICTAC 2018**!
+ **07/2018** I am honored to receive the ACM SIGPLAN [**John C. Reynolds Doctoral
Dissertation Award**](http://www.sigplan.org/Awards/Dissertation/) for my
dissertation **Probabilistic Couplings for Probabilistic Reasoning**!
Reference in New Issue
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