Add Pinocchio.

This commit is contained in:
Justin Hsu 2018-08-01 13:28:43 -04:00
parent 2c46ca0384
commit eb39fd9a18
1 changed files with 3 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
- Benjamin Braun, Ariel J. Feldman Zuocheng Ren, Srinath Setty, Andrew J. Blumberg, and Michael Walfish.
[*Verifying Computations with State*](
SOSP 2013.
- Bryan Parno, Jon Howell, Craig Gentry, and Mariana Raykova.
[*Pinocchio: Nearly Practical Verifiable Computation*](
S&P 2013.
- Aseem Rastogi, Matthew A. Hammer and Michael Hicks.
[*Wysteria: A Programming Language for Generic, Mixed-Mode Multiparty Computations*](
S&P 2014.