Change Yan's paper.

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Justin Hsu 2018-12-10 11:32:59 -06:00
parent f675e0daa8
commit 5ad215db90

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@ -39,5 +39,5 @@ Data Privacy* (AFDP) by Cynthia Dwork and Aaron Roth, available
12/3 | Languages for authenticated datastructures <br> **Paper:** Miller, Hicks, Katz, and Shi. [*Authenticated Data Structures, Generically*]( | Zichuan
12/5 | Languages for oblivous computing <br> **Paper:** Zahur and Evans. [*Obliv-C: A Language for Extensible Data-Oblivious Computation*]( | Zhiyi
12/10 | Languages for information flow <br> **Paper:** Griffin, Levy, Stefan, et al. [*Hails: Protecting Data Privacy in Untrusted Web Applications*]( | Arjun
12/12 | Languages for preventing timing channels <br> **Paper:** Zhang, Askarov, and Myers. [*Language-Based Control and Mitigation of Timing Channels*]( | Yan
12/12 | Timing channels <br> **Paper:** Wang, Ferraiuolo, Zhang, Myers, and Suh. [*SecDCP: Secure Dynamic Cache Partitioning for Efficient Timing Channel Protection*]( | Yan
**12/14 (FRI)** | Project presentations <br> <center> **SPECIAL TIME AND PLACE: 10 AM, CS 2310** </center> <center> <h5> **Due: Final project reports** </h5> </center> |