+ **05/2019** **Data Poisoning against Differentially-Private Learners: Attacks and Defenses** to appear at **IJCAI 2019**! + **03/2019** **Approximate Span Liftings** and **Probabilistic Relational Reasoning via Metrics** to appear at **LICS 2019**! + **02/2019** **Scalable Verification of Probabilistic Network Programs** (conditionally) accepted to **PLDI 2019**! + **01/2019** This spring, I'm teaching a new undergraduate course on **Introduction to the Theory and Design of Programming Languages (CS 538)**. Follow along [here](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~justhsu/teaching/current/cs538/)! + **11/2018** I gave an invited talk at the [**Privacy in Graphs (PiG)**](https://tripods.soe.ucsc.edu/data-privacy-network-and-graph-data-workshop) workshop at UC Santa Cruz. [Slides](files/slides/pig18-invited.pdf) are now available. + **10/2018** I will be a co-chair of the **DARS 2019** workshop on Design and Analysis of Robust Systems, colocated with [**CAV 2019**](http://i-cav.org/2019/) in New York. + **10/2018** I gave an invited talk at the [**TPDP 2018**](https://tpdp.cse.buffalo.edu/2018/) workshop on differential privacy, colocated with [**CCS 2018**](https://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2018/) in Toronto. [Slides](files/slides/tpdp18-invited.pdf) are now available. + **10/2018** **Trace Abstraction modulo Probability** and **Formal Verification of Higher-Order Probabilistic Programs** will appear at **POPL 2019**! + **10/2018** I am helping organize the [**Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW)**](https://popl19.sigplan.org/track/PLMW-2019-papers) at [**POPL 2019**](https://popl19.sigplan.org/home)! We have funding available to help students attend, please [apply](https://goo.gl/forms/PlJWPTl1Nkh7VBAn1) by **October 30**. + **10/2018** I am serving on the program committees of [**POST 2019**](https://conf.researchr.org/track/etaps-2019/post-2019-papers) in Prague, Czech Republic and [**CSF 2019**](https://www.ieee-security.org/CSFWweb/) in Hoboken, New Jersey. Submit your best papers!