+ **11/2022** My domain is moving to `www.justinhsu.net`. You can reach me at **new email address** `email@justinhsu.net`, or at `justin@cs.cornell.edu`. My current email **will soon stop working**! + **08/2022** Our paper **Data-Driven Invariant Learning for Probabilistic Programs** received a Distinguished Paper Award at **CAV 2022**! + **08/2022** This fall, I am teaching [**Category Theory for Computer Scientists (CS 6117)**](https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs6117/2022fa/)! + **07/2022** **Symbolic Execution for Randomized Programs** to appear at **OOPSLA 2022**. + **05/2022** **Data-Driven Invariant Learning for Probabilistic Programs** to appear at **CAV 2022**. + **02/2022** **P4BID: Information Flow Control in P4** to appear at **PLDI 2022**. + **01/2022** I will be co-chairing [**MFPS 38**](https://www.cs.cornell.edu/mfps-2022/) with Christine Tasson, planned to be hybrid with an in-person meeting in **Ithaca, New York**. Submit your best papers! + **01/2022** This spring, I am co-teaching 🐫[**Data Structures and Functional Programming (CS 3110)**](https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs3110/2022sp/)🐫 with Nate Foster. + **11/2021** **A Separation Logic for Negative Dependence** to appear at **POPL 2022**.