-- JH: From hakyll-bibtex by jaspervdj, using the Pandoc parser. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module HakyllBibTex ( BibEntry (..) , bibEntryContext , BibFile (..) , bibFileEntryNames , parseBibFile , lookupBibEntry ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative import Data.Binary (Binary (..)) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import Data.List (intercalate) import qualified Data.Map as M (empty) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Hakyll import qualified Bibtex as B import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype BibEntry = BE B.Item deriving (Typeable) unwrapBE :: BibEntry -> B.Item unwrapBE (BE it) = it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Binary BibEntry where put (BE t) = do put $ B.entryType t put $ B.identifier t put $ B.fields t get = BE <$> (B.Item <$> get <*> get <*> get) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- XXX refactor to use Context monoid ? XXX bibEntryContext :: Context BibEntry bibEntryContext = Context $ \key _ item -> let BE t = itemBody item in case key of "identifier" -> return $ StringField $ B.identifier t _ -> case lookup key (B.fields t) of Just val -> return $ StringField $ case key of k | k == "author" -> formatAuthors val | k == "month" -> expandMonth val | k `elem` [ "title", "booktitle", "journal", "note" ] -> latexToHtml val | otherwise -> val Nothing -> empty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype BibFile = BibFile [BibEntry] deriving (Binary, Typeable) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bibFileEntryNames :: BibFile -> [String] bibFileEntryNames (BibFile es) = [B.identifier t | BE t <- es] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parseBibFile :: String -> BibFile parseBibFile string = case Parsec.runParser (B.bibEntries <* Parsec.eof) [] "" string of Left err -> error $ show err Right xs -> BibFile $ map BE (B.resolveCrossRefs True xs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lookupBibEntry :: String -> BibFile -> BibEntry lookupBibEntry name (BibFile es) = case [BE t | BE t <- es, B.identifier t == name] of [] -> error $ name ++ " not found in BibFile" (x : _) -> x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- formatAuthors :: String -> String formatAuthors auth = let auths = splitOn "and" auth swapped = fmap formatAuthor auths finalSep = case (length auths) of 1 -> "" 2 -> " and " _ -> ", and " in (intercalate ", " (init swapped)) ++ finalSep ++ last swapped -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- formatAuthor :: String -> String formatAuthor = intercalate " " . (splitOn " ") . latexToHtml . trimSpace . (intercalate " ") . reverse . (splitOn ",") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- expandMonth :: String -> String expandMonth mon = case mon of "jan" -> "January" "feb" -> "February" "mar" -> "March" "apr" -> "April" "may" -> "May" "jun" -> "June" "jul" -> "July" "aug" -> "August" "sep" -> "September" "oct" -> "October" "nov" -> "November" "dec" -> "December" x -> x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inefficient... trimSpace :: String -> String trimSpace = f . f where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- latexToHtml tex = let p = case Pandoc.readLaTeX Pandoc.def tex of Right (Pandoc.Pandoc meta [Pandoc.Para para]) -> Pandoc.Pandoc meta [Pandoc.Plain para] Left _ -> Pandoc.Pandoc (Pandoc.Meta M.empty) [] in Pandoc.writeHtmlString Pandoc.def p