This course covers a wide range of topics in security and privacy. The goal of the course project is to dive more deeply into a particular topic individually or in groups of two. This project could take different forms: - **Theoretical**: Extend a technique, explore a new application, or develop some other kind of conceptual contribution. - **Experience report**: Experiment with an existing implementation, trying out different examples and describing the overall experience. Or make a new implementation. - **Literature survey**: Select a couple (3-5) of related papers in a recent research area. Summarize the significance, then compare and contrast. - **Other**: Feel free to propose other kinds of projects. A good project will be the start of a potentially publishable result. ## Deliverables In order to keep projects on track, each group will turn in two short (**1-2 pages**) milestone reports along the way. At one-third of the way through, you should have settled on a project goal and made some exploratory steps. - **Milestone 1**. Describe the project goal concretely, summarize what preliminary things have been tried, and plan out which directions to explore next. At two-thirds of the way through, the project should be progressing and it should be clear what remains to be done. - **Milestone 2**. Clarify the project goal if it has changed, summarize current progress, and plan out how to finish remaining items. Besides the milestones, the main deliverable of the project will be a final report, around **15-20 pages** in length. Reports should be written in a research paper style, covering the following broad areas in some order: - **Introduce** the problem and the motivation. - **Review** background and preliminary material. - **Develop** the main technical core of the project. - **Survey** related work. - **Summarize** and evaluate the results. At the end of the course, each group will present their project in class. ## Deadlines The most immediate task is to form groups (if desired) and select a preliminary project topic. Discuss with the instructor or send an email with the project topic and group members (less ideal) by **???**. Deadlines for the deliverables are [here](../schedule/