# Project Details This course covers a wide range of topics in security and privacy. The goal of the course project is to dive more deeply into a particular topic individually or in groups of two. A good project could potentially lead to a publishable result. This project could take different forms: - **Theoretical**: Extend a technique, explore a new application, or develop some other kind of conceptual contribution. - **Experience report**: Experiment with an existing implementation, trying out different examples and describing the overall experience. Or make a new implementation. - **Literature survey**: Select a couple (3-5) of related papers in a recent research area. Summarize the significance, then compare and contrast. - **Other**: Feel free to propose other kinds of projects. If at any point you have trouble finding a project, run into difficulties, or just want some advice, **please come talk to me** and I will try to help you get unstuck. ## Deliverables In order to keep projects on track, each group will turn in two milestone reports along the way, **1-2 pages each**. At one-third of the way through, you should have settled on a project goal and made some exploratory steps. - **Milestone 1**. Describe the project goal concretely, summarize what preliminary things have been tried, and plan out which directions to explore next. [Heilmeier's Catechism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_H._Heilmeier#Heilmeier%27s_Catechism) is a good series of questions to keep in mind. At two-thirds of the way through, the project should be progressing and it should be clear what remains to be done. - **Milestone 2**. Clarify the project goal, summarize current progress, and plan out how to finish remaining items. Describe what you think can definitely be done, along with further reach goals that might be possible. Besides the milestones, the main deliverable of the project will be a final report, around **15-20 pages** in length. Reports should be written in a research paper style, covering the following broad areas in some reasonable order: - **Introduce** the problem and the motivation. - **Review** background and preliminary material. - **Develop** the main technical core of the project. - **Survey** related work. - **Summarize** and evaluate the results. At the end of the course, each group will give a brief project presentation in class. ## Deadlines See [here](../schedule/deadlines.md).