# Paper reviews !!! attention * Paper reviews are for students in time zones who **cannot** attend live lectures. * Students who are able to attend live lectures should complete a paper presentation and presentation summary instead. Students who cannot attend live lectures will complete **one paper review per week** (10 in all). We will be using HotCRP---standard conference management software---to manage review uploads and discussions. Reviews must be uploaded **before the paper is presented in class**. ## What makes a good review? A good review accomplishes several things: - It **summarizes** the main contributions of the paper. - It highlights **strengths and weaknesses** of the paper. - It **evaluates** the paper, explaining why the reviewer thinks the paper is strong or weak. - It gives authors **suggestions to improve** the paper. ## FAQ - **Can I switch from doing paper presentation/summary to paper reviews or vice versa?** No: if you are doing paper reviews, you must let me know on the first week of class. - **Are late reviews accepted?** No: reviews must be uploaded before the paper is presented in class. - **Can I submit more than one review a week?** No: should submit exactly one review per week.